Friday, March 31, 2006

An All-Too-Familiar Tragedy

On March 29, 2006, 40 yr old Linda Woo took her two children, ages 3 & 4 into their garage. She may have told them they were going on a picnic as there were blankets for the children to lie on in the Subaru Forrester, along with a barbecue grill in the back of the car. The press accounts differ somewhat, some say the grill was lit and the car was running when a friend stopped by to check on Linda and the children; some say it was the police and fire department that found them after being called for a well-being check possibly by the husband. I'm sure all of the details will be revealed in the coming days. One detail that's for sure is that 3 yr old Olive Murphy died at the scene. Her brother was rushed to the hospital in critical condition and Linda was taken to the hospital and charged with murder and attempted murder by the next day, then placed in the jail ward of a different hospital.The tragedy of this situation is breathtaking and actually quite terrifying because by all accounts, Linda and Gavin Murphy were 'normal' people who had a 'normal' marriage and two beautiful children - like so many of us. Unfortunately, like so many of us, they ended up separating - which is a devastating event. I am guessing - and God knows I have no idea what really happened here - that Linda Woo got really depressed after her husband left and instead of going to divorce recovery, talking to her friends or going to counseling, she let it all simmer and boil inside. Maybe that led to further mental disorder, which finally brought her to a place she couldn't have imagined in 2004, the last time I can find her name is listed in a community organization. I'll confess I have walked in very similar shoes and it was a walking nightmare; however, I was lucky enough (There but for the grace of God go I) to think of my children as a reason to LIVE and keep on striving through all of the horrendous situations instead of finally giving up or giving in to my desires to stop the constant emotional/mental/physical pain by ending it all.She and her husband appeared to be very conscientious people as I think is illustrated by their listing as individual contributors to IDEX : (PG. 24)International Development Exchange (IDEX) is a San Francisco-based non-profit organization that partners with grassroots organizations in six countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, while actively engaging and educating the U.S. public in the challenges facing communities in these regions. Since 1985, IDEX has channeled over $2.8 million to fund more than 500 self-help community projects working for social change and economic independence for people, particularly women, indigenous peoples and youth, who earn less than $1 a day.Linda Woo held a job with a high level of responsibilities. Her former job as Principal Project Manager for Pacific Gas and Electric Co. was submitted on as of April 7th. I was amazed by the amount of responsibility Linda Woo had with THIS job. She was obviously capable of 'keeping' it together before her life took a turn around one of those dark corners.Also, as Steve Huff has discussed in his excellent crime blog along with numerous other aspects and important facts in this case, she was active in sports and was even the chair for her GAA club:LINDA WOO - CHAIR 370 MONCADA WAY SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94127 does someone who is so active in their community get from here to there??? I truly think my first guess is pretty close to the truth of what happened to her. Unfortunately and tragically, now she has destroyed the lives of all of those close to her as a result of her probable emotional and mental derailment. I so wish it could have been different.